Learning objective:
The children should experience….
• Moving around area safely and with purpose
• Moving direction under instruction
• Managing risks safely
Learning outcomes:
I can give directions to find a object with support
I can give 3 directions to find an object
I can give instructions and amend them to find an object
Learning objective:
The children should experience
• Use of things to represent fiction
• Making up a fiction story
• Use describing words for fictional characters.
• Survival skills / Team building
• Respect Our Woodland
• Develop Shelter Building Skills Develop Knot Building Skills Develop Free Play Close off the Session Learning outcomes:
• To find a place within the Forest School camp using a map or pictures.
• Learners to be able to give directions to other parts of the forest school area.
• Learners to stay within defined limits.
• Learners to return to a group in a response to a signal.
• Learners to know what to do if they are lost.
• Learners to have an understanding that some plants may be toxic.
Learning objective:
The children should experience….
• Working with tools
• Following 2,3,4 key word instructions
• Design and technology
• Learners to understand the habitats for native local creatures.
• Make and create appropriate homes for native local creatures.
• To maintain the local environment.
Demonstrate how to safely use a range of hand tools and explain their use to a client group at a Forest School
Learning outcomes:
For children to:
• Design a wildlife habitat for local species
• Understand the relationships between urban, rural, and natural habitats
• Aim to create wildlife corridors to enable animals to move between habitats
• Enjoy being active and productive outdoors and build their social and teamwork skills
• Understand the steps involved in creating wildlife habitats.
Learning objective:
The children should experience….
• What lives in the woods
• Animals and their habitats
• Searching for evidence of animals
• Fauna & Flora
• Follow over session about senses, incorporated into fauna and flora session
Learning outcomes:
• Learners can identify native flora and fauna to their surroundings.
• To understand and look after the environment.
• Learners to protect plants and creatures from harm.
Learning objective:
In this activity pupils will learn how to use a fire steel to make a small fire and toast a marshmallow. They will develop their spoken language, asking relevant questions, participating in discussions, and building on the contributions of others.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of this activity pupils will: Have participated in group work, responding, and listening to instructions, forming knowledge, and understanding collaboratively.
Learning objective:
The effect of heat, melting, changing states, preparing food, health & hygiene, and following safety rules.
Learning outcomes:
Students will participate in the candle making process and will produce at least one candle each safety.